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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Creator Tip: Tricking Miss Complexity

Many creators out there are always angry that Miss Complexity won't allow for decent vehicles or spaceships. The spaceship editor already allows more, but that still isn't enough. Despite that, since patch 5 there is a trick: asymmetry.

Once you have your core game all patched up, all you have to do to is hold down "a" and select a base part. This will remove the base part's double as well as all those from the detail parts attached to it.

Warning: This will make all new parts attached to it asymmetric.

When you start hitting it high on the complexity meter, just do that and you should get it down a few notches, ready to add more to your vehicle or spaceship.

If you still need to add a symmetric part, you can still use a flat, square block and move that into the already asymmetric base part, but don't forget to hold down "a" first to get even more out of Miss Complexity.


Pds3.14 said...

I was waiting for someone to figure this out and post it somewhere.
I found this out a while ago.

Zordex said...

It also works on creatures... And I thought I was the first to think of that...

Parkaboy said...

@Zorgon: nope, I've been using this technique for creatures and vehicles for a long time... Though I must thank Andeavor for finally adding the tip to the blog!